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October 18, 2015 - No Comments!

Meet Picapoint at publisher´s hotspot The Folio: Show in NYC



Picapoint is one of the exhibitors at the Folio: Show in New York City October 19-21, 2015. The international event presents the essential tools publishers need to navigate change in the media landscape.

The Folio: Show takes place at the Marriott Marquis in New York City. The program delivers insight, inspiration and actionable ideas to challenges facing the magazine industry.Besides the exhibition area, the educational program offers workshops and inspiring talks from the most qualified speakers in the business.

Total control of the ad material workflow

In Picapoint´s booth, 407, you will have the chance to experience the revolutionizing Picapoint System that facilitates total control of your ad material workflow. Picapoint´s founder Erik Gillström will demonstrate the features and tell you the story about how the Picapoint System in a very short time frame became the no 1 choice for major print publishers in Sweden.

“I am really looking forward to all the opportunities a business hub like The Folio: Show gives. It is a great way for us to network and reach the exact right target group for our services. I will take every chance I get to inspire how we can make the everyday work process easier and more cost effective for advertising departments”, says Erik Gillström.

Contact information
Erik Gillström
CEO, Picapoint
+46 70 644 75 30

January 23, 2013 - No Comments!

ResourceSpace släpper ny betaversion

ResourceSpace är ett DAM (Digital Assets Management) ett webbaserat system som hanterar digitalt material tex filmer, pdf, bilder ljud etc.

Då PicaMedia baseras på ResourceSpace är vi en leverantör av många som driver RS utvecklingen framåt. Nu släpps en ny betaversion av RS 5.0 detta är den största uppdateringen av alla releaser.

Bland annat är det en komplett UI uppdatering, fullständig ersättning av ramar, mycket bredare användning av AJAX som kommer att snabba upp verktyget ordentligt.